Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Book for July/August

The current book is RAPE: A History from 1860 to the present by Joanna Bourke.

Visit the facebook page to take part in the discussions:

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Future of the Men’s Feminist Book Group

I have been thinking about the future direction for this group because the meetings we have had so far have not been well attended. It was set up essentially as a reading group, discussing selected books in face to face meetings. But I am reluctant to arrange any more dates, because if we can't guarantee a good attendance it's not fair to the (1 or 2) people who do turn up.

The alternative online meetings have not been working either – probably because Facebook is not really designed for this kind of event.

The one thing that is working pretty well is the posting of messages to the Facebook page Wall, and discussions arising spontaneously from this. So my ‘plan B’ for the group, which I will be following from now on, is for me to post short, interesting extracts from the selected book and invite people to comment. As I read through the book, I will post anything that strikes me as a key point and suitable for discussion. Other people who have read the book will of course be able to do the same.

The book chosen for June is ‘Men and Feminism’ by Shira Tarrant, so if you have read, or are reading this, here is your opportunity to share your ideas about it with the other group members.

PS I haven’t completely given up on the idea of face to face meetings but maybe we need to be thinking in terms of ‘one-off’ special occasions, possibly coinciding with feminist events, protests, conferences etc.

Let me know your thoughts on all this in the usual way.

Best wishes

Monday, 18 April 2011

Delusions of Gender: Online discussion

 11 May 2011, from 6pm

This is for people who aren't able to go to the Festival Hall meeting on Monday 9 May.

 If you're a member of the Facebook group, you can access the meeting by following this link:


To join the group, go to:


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Cordelia Fine: Delusions of Gender

Monday 9 May · 18:00 - 21:00
Royal Festival Hall

Book group meeting at our usual venue in the Green Bar, 4th floor RFH.

Order the book via the F-Word shop on Amazon:

If you don't have time to read the book (or even if you do) check out Cordelia Fine's webchat on Mumsnet to learn about some of the issues it raises:

And for those of you who can't make it we'll be setting up an online follow-up meeting which everyone can take part in.

Monday, 14 March 2011

'Bring a book' group meeting

Monday 28 March 2011

Meet and make friends with fellow feminists. If you have a feminist book you'd like to talk about and recommend to others, bring it along.

Venue: The Green Bar (4th floor) at the Royal Festival Hall, South Bank Centre.

Meet from 6pm

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Online meetings added to Facebook page

Ive created an online meeting space for each chapter of the Kat Banyard book. Visit the relevant meeting space to share your views & post links to related content


Wednesday, 9 February 2011

First book group meeting will be on Tuesday 8 March (630pm)

The book will be The Equality Illusion by Kat Banyard.

Venue: The Green Bar (4th floor) at the Royal Festival Hall, South Bank Centre
Join our Facebook group to stay informed:
